Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 11, 2016

Get some fun facts about giraffe baby

It's funny time and get it with some fun facts about giraffe baby and their factoflife in wild
Fun information and facts about giraffe for kids
Fact #1
The giraffe is the tallest mammal on earth. New-born baby giraffes are even taller than mosthumans. And males can grow up to 5.5 meters (18 feet) tall.
Fact #2
The neck of a giraffes is too short to reach the ground. So it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.

A giraffe face
Fact #3
Like snowflakes and human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.
Fact #4
Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour of being born. After only 10 hours, they can actually run alongside their family.

A baby giraffe
Fact #5
Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period.
Fact #6
Giraffes only need to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from plants they eat.
Fact #7
The idea that giraffes make no sound is untrue. When giraffes snort, bellow, hiss, etc, they make flute-like or low pitch noises beyond the range of human hearing.
Fact #8
Before mating, the female giraffe will first urinate in the male's mouth.

Giraffe couple in love
Fact #9
Giraffes are ruminants. This means that they have more than one stomach. In fact, giraffes have four stomachs, the extra stomachs assisting with digesting food.
Fact #10
Drinking is one of the most dangerous times for a giraffe. While it is getting a drink it cannot keep a look out for predators and is vulnerable to attack.
Fact #11
Male giraffes sometimes fight with their necks over female giraffes. This is called “necking”. The two giraffes stand side by side and one giraffe swings his head and neck, hitting his head against the other giraffe. Sometimes one giraffe is hit to the ground during a combat.
Fact #12
A giraffe's habitat is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands.

Fact #13
The hair that makes up a giraffes tail is about 10 times thicker than the average strand of human hair.
Fact #14
Giraffes have a great sense of sight and smell and are able to run at speeds up to 35 miles per hour.

Fact #15
However, a baby giraffe in the wild is vulnerable because it has a shorter gait and is unable to keep up with the herd if a predator is detected. In the days and weeks following a birth, a mother giraffe will sometimes leave her baby hidden in tall grass for a few hours while she eats and roams.
See more things in my blog moss, lobster, science,....

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 11, 2016

Why can't moss grow to be as tall as other plants?

Why can't moss grow to be as tall as other plants? Keep following to get the best answer

Kết quả hình ảnh cho moss

Here is a photo demonstration of the height difference between mosses and other plants such as trees. The mosses are in the foreground mixed in amongst the grass. They measure in at about 6 centimeters or so tall. Whereas the trees in the background are over 10 meters (1,000cm) tall. {Dig back for your scientific conversions if you have not used them in a while. There are 100 centimeters in a meter, so the decimal is moved two places to the right to convert from meters to centimeters}. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

So what is the cause of this extreme difference in height?

The answer is Water. Water is one of the required elements for plants to carry out photosynthesis and live. Plants such as trees absorb water through their root systems and then transport the water to their leaves, the site of photosynthesis, through conducting cells. The cells that move water from the roots to the leaves are called xylem cells. These cells are dead at maturity and are very tough. They are the type of plant cell that composes wood. The substance that adds to the strength of these cells and makes them retain water to function as internal plant piping is a compound called lignin. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.

Mosses however do not have lignin in any of their cell walls and they do not have xylem cells either. Thus mosses do not have an efficient system for transporting water within their body long distances. Mosses absorb all of their water from the outside environment directly through their leaves and stem. (Imagine drinking through your skin.) Most plants must be small in order to keep their entire body hydrated and thus are limited in the height to which they can grow while still maintaining wet leaves. Also without the strength that xylem cells provide a very tall moss would be super flimsy. It would be like trying to build a tree out of wet spaghetti noodles. Quite the difficult task. Mosses have thus maintained a small stature for millions of years and despite the time have not gotten any taller. 
How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2016

Amazing Lobster facts for kids

Here are amazing Lobster facts for kids

1. Lobsters aren’t all red. They can be many different colors, including bright blue.

2. Lobsters carry their young for nine months. Anyway, this may be one of the most fascinating animal facts until now

3. They can live to be 100 years old.

4. When they’re teenagers, they’re awkward, too.

5. Lobsters don’t have a central nervous system. Instead, they have bunches of nerve tissue spread throughout their bodies.

6. They go on vacation, traveling more than 100 miles each year.

7. Not all lobsters have claws.

Would you like to see some tiger facts in your freetime? I believe that that facts will be interested to you.

8. Lobsters have to shed their shells in order to grow.

9. Sometimes they walk hand in hand, with older lobsters leading the young ones.

10. Females can carry live sperm for up to two years, until they decide that it’s time to fertilize their eggs.

Those who loves to discover nature will not want to miss our wide range of factoflife articles.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

A list of amazing facts about Aardvark

If you’re looking for the most interesting animal facts, you’re at the right place. Here is a list of amazing facts about Aardvark 

  • The name Aardvark comes from South Africa's Afrikaans language and means 'earth pig' or 'ground pig'. Aardvarks are also known as 'antbears', 'anteaters', 'Cape anteater' and 'earth hogs'.
  • They are nocturnal. After sunset, they leave their cool burrows and forage over many km in grasslands and forests for their favorite food, termites, swinging their long nose from side to side to pick up the termites’ scent.
  • Aardvarks use their powerful feet and claws, which resemble spades, for fast digging of underground burrows and digging up large earthen termite mounds to feast on the insects within. Their tough thick skin protects them from bites whilst their wormlike tongue can be up to 30.5 cm long and is sticky to trap up to 50,000 termites and ants in one night!
  • An unusual but helpful ability allows it to seal its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?
  • An aardvark's keen hearing warns it of predators such as lions, leopards, hunting dogs, hyenas, and pythons. If they need to escape, they can dig fast or run in zigzags. It if all else fails, they will strike with their claws, tail and shoulders, sometimes flipping onto their backs to lash out with all fours. If attacked in the tunnel, they seal the tunnel off behind or turn around and attack with their claws.
  • Main burrows, which are used for breeding, can be deep and extensive, have several entrances and can be as long as 13 meters. Solitary aniamls, aardvarks change their home borrow layout regularly, and from time to time move on and make a new one. The old burrows are then inhabited by smaller animals like the African Wild Dog.
  • The aardvark is admired in African folklore because of its diligent search for food and its lack of fear of soldier ants.
Just keep checking out our site everyday to get more updated news and information about everylife aspects as animal, plant or science facts and so on.

A list of amazing facts about Aardvark

If you’re looking for the most interesting animal facts, you’re at the right place. Here is a list of amazing facts about Aardvark 

  • The name Aardvark comes from South Africa's Afrikaans language and means 'earth pig' or 'ground pig'. Aardvarks are also known as 'antbears', 'anteaters', 'Cape anteater' and 'earth hogs'.
  • They are nocturnal. After sunset, they leave their cool burrows and forage over many km in grasslands and forests for their favorite food, termites, swinging their long nose from side to side to pick up the termites’ scent.
  • Aardvarks use their powerful feet and claws, which resemble spades, for fast digging of underground burrows and digging up large earthen termite mounds to feast on the insects within. Their tough thick skin protects them from bites whilst their wormlike tongue can be up to 30.5 cm long and is sticky to trap up to 50,000 termites and ants in one night!
  • An unusual but helpful ability allows it to seal its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?
  • An aardvark's keen hearing warns it of predators such as lions, leopards, hunting dogs, hyenas, and pythons. If they need to escape, they can dig fast or run in zigzags. It if all else fails, they will strike with their claws, tail and shoulders, sometimes flipping onto their backs to lash out with all fours. If attacked in the tunnel, they seal the tunnel off behind or turn around and attack with their claws.
  • Main burrows, which are used for breeding, can be deep and extensive, have several entrances and can be as long as 13 meters. Solitary aniamls, aardvarks change their home borrow layout regularly, and from time to time move on and make a new one. The old burrows are then inhabited by smaller animals like the African Wild Dog.
  • The aardvark is admired in African folklore because of its diligent search for food and its lack of fear of soldier ants.
Just keep checking out our site everyday to get more updated news and information about everylife aspects as animal, plant or science facts and so on.

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 11, 2016

Leprosy works - Science facts

Disgusting but necessary to know about Leprosy: How does it work? Let's find out the science facts right here

Riddled with sores, maybe missing toes, definitely unclean. Lepers spark some pretty hideous things in our imaginations, don't they? That's imagination and NOT reality. Yet there's a long-standing stigma when it comes to this disease; think about what you're really saying when you call someone a leper. It was even once believed the victims of the diseases were, actually, victims of sin (mentioned — through possible dubious translation — in Leviticus 13:14 in the Old Testament). Although leprosy has a history of being thought of as a highly-contagious (it's not) and deadly, it's actually totally treatable. And there's such a low risk of transmission there's no reason to isolate or ostracize people with leprosy. It may be one of the most disgusting infor from factoflife we’ve enjoyed.

Leprosy has been with us since roughly 1500 B.C.E. (that's when it's first mentioned in the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, but it's also mentioned in other ancient writings, including in prehistoric Asian writings dating to 600 B.C.E.). But it's probably been plaguing humans for much longer, at least since the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt and India. In 2009, anthropologists discovered evidence of leprosy in a 4,000-year-old skeleton, which dates the infection back to prehistoric India, around 2000 B.C.E. [source: Robbins]. Scientists theorize that the infection spread as empires and trade routes grew, and that it likely arrived in the Americas during European exploration of the New World.
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Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 10, 2016

Top 10 amazing Paris facts

Here is top 10 amazing and interesting facts on Paris that will blow your mind:
1. Open terraces

If you were to spend each day of your life in Paris visiting a different open terrace (of a bar, cafe, or restaurant), then it would take you 29.8 years to see all places (and who knows how many new ones will open in that time!). Cause there are 9,057 of them.
2. Birthplace of Paris

Not many of us know the fact that Île de la Cité is the birthplace of Paris. When you’re wandering around the Île de la Cité admiring Notre-Dame Cathedral or crossing Pont Neuf, take a look around and try to imagine what it must have been like in 53 BC when Roman troops first joined the Celtic settlers living on the tiny island.
3. Plaster of Paris

Plaster of Paris, used to make a cast if you break a bone, was invented in Paris. It comes from a powdered rock called gypsum and sculptors such as Auguste Rodin used the powder, which was plentiful in the hills around Paris, mixed with water, to create miniature sculptures before casting their masterpieces in bronze.
4. Only one stop sign

In the whole of Paris, there is only one stop sign, situated at the exit of a building company in the rich 16th arrondissement. The traffic system in Paris is mainly based on giving way to those coming from the right. 
5. The most beautiful city in the world

The city is most preferred for light, love and culture. The city with the long list of beauty is at the heart of the France. The city is known for the latest fashion and gastronomy. When we think about Paris, Eiffel tower is the famous site that will strikes in our mind. Charming streets, romantic restaurants, cafes, the monumental squares, attracting structures helps the city become one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
6. More dogs than children

There are more dogs in Paris than there are children, around 300,000 dogs. Dogs are truly man’s best friends, but in Paris best friend is taken to a whole other level. In Paris, we all know that the Parisians are truly caring towards their pets, spending nearly half a million dollars just to make sure their dogs are groomed and cared for.
7. Baguette’s world

funny pictures on baguettes

If you like baguettes then you're in the right city because there are 1,784 bakeries in Paris. It is considered as baguette’s world for this reason.
8. Longest street

The longest street in Paris is the rue Vaugirard in the 15th arrondissement. It is 4,360 meters long.
9. Shortest street

The shortest street of Paris is the rue des Degrés in the 2nd arrondissement. It is 6 meters long.
10. Paris plants

All the trees in Paris are referenced and measured. And there are about 470,000 of them, they counted.

Maybe interesting science facts attract your attention. Keep following to find out

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 9, 2016

The loudest animal sound

Here, you can discover about the loudest animal sound in the world. So which animal have loudest animal sound? Let's see
Also see penguin facts

Which animal makes the loudest sound?

The sound of the blue whale, which measures 188 decibels and travels up to 500 miles, is the loudest among all animals, according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. On land, the loudest animal sound comes from the howler monkey and can be heard for up to 3 miles.

Scientists also measure the sounds that animals make relative to their size. Using this ratio, the loudest animal sound is produced by an insect called the water boatman. This tiny bug measures in at less than 0.08 inches, but it emits a singing sound that can measure as high as 99.2 decibels. Its average noise level is 78.9 decibels.

Read more fun animal facts

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 9, 2016

Giraffes' predators and preys

This article is for those who love to know interesting animal facts and want to know more. Here is answers for question about the predators of Giraffes.

Many people have the false believe that giraffes are often taken down in the wild by various predators. While they do provide quite a meal, they aren’t so easy to get a hold of. They also have very good instincts and can see much further than other animals out there due to their towering height. They have extremely good instincts so they can be long gone before a predator is able to get too close to them.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho giraffe prey

The only significant predator of the giraffe are lions. Of course they will try to take on other forms of prey first unless they are extremely hungry. They will look for the young and for the weak giraffes too. Even though they can easily outrun these animals there is more to the story than just that.
Also see: baby giraffe

Don’t think for an instant though that giraffes are easy prey. In fact, they are very strong and powerful. If they end up kicking a predator it can be severely injured or killed due to the kick connecting with the jaw or the spine. This is why so many predators won’t attack unless they have a clear shot at a young one or they are desperate for a meal and this is their one chance for it. They can also target pregnant females that are ready to give birth so they can’t move as swiftly.

Baby giraffes need a great deal of rest during the first couple of weeks of life and they do this lying down. That makes them a huge target for a variety of predators including wild dogs, hyenas, leopards, and of course lions. The mothers strive to keep their young close to them but young giraffes are curious by nature and that can cause them to end up being victims. You will find that these predators have to try to get the legs of the giraffes tangled up so that they will fall to the ground. They also try to attack when they are drinking so that their necks are at ground level.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho giraffe prey

Approximately 75% of all young giraffes don’t survive to adulthood due to becoming the victim of predators. That makes it one of the highest mortality rates among animals out there. If a young giraffe is going to be eaten though it will generally occur when it is very young. These animals seem to develop a very deep instinct early on about predators. They are very tall by the time they have a year old so that makes them less likely to be an easy take down in the eyes of predators.

For the giraffes though all is not peaceful in their natural habitat. The worst predators for them are humans. The local villagers tend to find them a great source of meat when their others are scarce. While they meat isn’t the best tasting there is plenty of it to go around from just one giraffe. They also believe that the tails of them are very lucky so they will keep them.

In some villages those tails are used to create jewelry, collectibles for tourists, and even flyswatters for the huge mosquitoes out there. The hides are spectacular due to their thickness and the design of the different spots that each giraffe has. For many of these animals they become nothing but the victim of a trophy hunt for those that want to say they have killed an exotic animal.

While most areas of Africa make it illegal to harm or to kill a giraffe due to their protective status it occurs on a regular basis. There isn’t enough enforcement to get out there and really make such penalties stick. Villagers are desperate to make money so they will do what they can in order to survive.

For more: tiger facts                         

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016

The making process of single malt whiskey

Quickly find the single malt whiskey brand you're looking for and from A to Z information about this kind of whisky

Single malt whisky must be made with 100% barley

Currently there are around 90 operating malt whisky distilleries in Scotland – it is difficult to be precise, since sometimes distilleries go out of production for periods, in order to balance stock levels. Single malts from a further 30-odd now closed distilleries may still be found. 

Although made from very simple materials – malted barley, water and yeast – the make of each distillery has an individual character, owing to a variety of factors, such as the length of fermentation time, the style and size of the stills, and how they are operated, the type of condensers used and amount of spirit saved (called ‘the cut’). 

By law, Scotch (both malt and grain whiskies) must be matured in oak casks in Scotland, and the casks themselves can make a huge contribution to the flavour of the finished product, according to a) how long the whisky has been left to mature, b) how often the individual cask has been used to mature Scotch and c) whether the cask is made from European oak or American oak. This makes it difficult to identify the mature products of individual distilleries. 

Since at least the 1880s, blenders have identified different styles of whisky coming from different parts of Scotland. The original division, dating from the 1780s, was between ‘Lowland’ whisky and ‘Highland’ whisky. Then the whiskies made in Campbeltown and Islay were discerned to be different, and the whiskies of Speyside were added to the list. 

With the dramatic growth of interest in single malt whiskies since the 1980s, the ‘Highland’ region has been sub-divided into Northern, Western, Eastern, Southern and Islands. 

In truth, regional differences in the style and flavour of malt whiskies has more to do with tradition (how a malt is made in one place or another) than terroir, and although it is not possible to make a malt with identical character to another in a different distillery, it is possible to imitate a regional style out-with the region in question.

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Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2016

How many tusks do elephants own?

How many tusks do elephants own? That is an amazing question about elephants for kids

Most mammals have a set of baby teeth that eventually fall out and are replaced by adult teeth, which they keep for their entire lives. Elephants are different, however. They go through six sets of large, brick-like teeth that grow in at the back of their mouths and slowly move to the front as they are worn down. The teeth then fall out and are replaced by fresh ones.

Consequently, elephants have no use for dentists, and have been known to laugh openly when they encounter dental hygienists on safari. There is evidence of elephants in the wild eating five hundred pounds of coconut macaroons in one day, without flossing.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho do elephants have teeths?

Each set of elephant teeth that grows in is larger than the last. The final teeth are over eight inches long (21 cm) from front to back and weigh more than eight pounds (4 kg).

When an elephant's final set of teeth falls out, the elephant slowly dies of malnutrition or starvation. This is a pretty poorly designed animal, if you ask me.

Old elephants will seek out wet, marshy areas where the plants are softer, so they can more easily eat them. However, in the end, this doesn't really help and they die anyway, much to the amusement of vacationing dental hygienists.

Read more: animal fun facts

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 8, 2016

When and why do dogs howl?

Have you ever wondered an interesting animal facts question: When and why do dogs howl? Let’s see why

By Josh Weiss-Roessler

You’ve probably been here before: you’re leading your dog around the neighborhood on a typical pack walk when suddenly there’s a siren way off in the distance. You barely notice it, but your dog’s ears immediately perk up. As it gets closer and closer (and louder and louder), she becomes more and more agitated or excited. Finally, it rounds the corner, headed your way, and as it nears you and passes by, your pooch lets loose with a glorious howl, head thrown back like she was a wolf out in the desert.

Separation Anxiety Howling
If your neighbors call you and tell you that your dog is howling when you are at work, your dog’s excessive howling might be caused by separation anxiety. Separation anxiety howling only occurs when a dog is left alone or otherwise separated from his owner. This kind of howling is usually accompanied by at least one other symptom of separation anxiety, such as pacing, destruction, elimination,depression or other signs of distress.

Medical Causes
Dogs sometimes howl when they’re hurt or sick. If your dog starts howling or howls more than usual, take him to a veterinarian to rule out illness and injury before doing anything else.
What to Do About Excessive Howling

Kết quả hình ảnh cho why dogs howl

Howling in Responds to Sounds
If your dog howls in response to some kind of trigger, like another dog howling or a nearby siren, he’ll probably stop when the sound stops. This type of howling usually isn’t excessive-unless, of course, the triggers occur frequently. If they do, you can use desensitization and counterconditioning (DSCC) to help your dog learn to be quiet.

Systematic Desensitization and Counterconditioning
When the problem is rooted in how a dog feels about a particular thing, it sometimes isn’t enough to just teach him a different behavior-like to fetch a toy instead of howling, for example. Instead, it’s most effective to change his motivation and feelings, which are the underlying reasons for the behavior problem in the first place.
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Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2016

Amazing science facts around us

So without further ado, here is list of amazing science facts may interest you:

1. There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body – laid end to end they would circle the earth 2.5 times

2. At over 2000 kilometers long, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth

3. The risk of being struck by a falling meteorite for a human is one occurrence every 9,300 years

4. A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons

5. A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent of 8,000 one megaton bombs

6. Blood sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide

7. The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph, by Fred Rompelberg

8. We can produce laser light a million times brighter than sunshine

9. 65% of those with autism are left handed

10. In 2.3 billion years it will be too hot for life to exist on Earth

Our planet will eventually become a vast desert similar to Mars today.

Over the coming hundreds of millions of years, the Sun will continue to get progressively brighter and hotter. In just over 2 billion years, temperatures will be high enough to evaporate our oceans, making life on Earth impossible. Our planet will become a vast desert similar to Mars today. As it expands into a red giant in the following few billion years, scientists predict that the Sun will finally engulf Earth altogether, spelling the definite end for our planet.

11. Polar bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras

Polar bears keep warm due to a thick layer of blubber under the skin.

Thermal cameras detect the heat lost by a subject as infrared, but polar bears are experts at conserving heat. The bears keep warm due to a thick layer of blubber under the skin. Add to this a dense fur coat and they can endure the chilliest Arctic day.

12. It takes 8 minutes, 19 seconds for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth

It takes five and a half hours for the Sun’s light to reach Pluto.
In space, light travels at 300,000 kilometres (186,000 miles) per second. Even at this breakneck speed, covering the 150 million odd kilometres (93 million miles) between us and the Sun takes a considerable time. And eight minutes is still very little compared to the five and a half hours it takes for the Sun’s light to reach Pluto.

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Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 8, 2016

Unbelievable Facts of life

Maybe you will not believe but the following facts are true about life:
  1. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
  2. Cockroaches can live for several weeks with their heads cut off, because their brains are located inside their body. They would eventually die from being unable to eat.
  3. Scientists have tracked butterflies that travel over 3,000 miles.
  4. To produce a single pound of honey, a single bee would have to visit 2 million flowers.
  5. The population is expected to rise to 10.8 billion by the year 2080.
  6. You breathe on average about 8,409,600 times a year
  7. More than 60,000 people are flying over the United States in an airplane right now.
  8. Hamsters run up to 8 miles at night on a wheel.
  9. A waterfall in Hawaii goes up sometimes instead of down.
  10. A church in the Czech Republic has a chandelier made entirely of human bones.
  11. Under the Code of Hammurabi, bartenders who watered down beer were punished by execution.