Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 11, 2016

Get some fun facts about giraffe baby

It's funny time and get it with some fun facts about giraffe baby and their factoflife in wild
Fun information and facts about giraffe for kids
Fact #1
The giraffe is the tallest mammal on earth. New-born baby giraffes are even taller than mosthumans. And males can grow up to 5.5 meters (18 feet) tall.
Fact #2
The neck of a giraffes is too short to reach the ground. So it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.

A giraffe face
Fact #3
Like snowflakes and human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.
Fact #4
Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour of being born. After only 10 hours, they can actually run alongside their family.

A baby giraffe
Fact #5
Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period.
Fact #6
Giraffes only need to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from plants they eat.
Fact #7
The idea that giraffes make no sound is untrue. When giraffes snort, bellow, hiss, etc, they make flute-like or low pitch noises beyond the range of human hearing.
Fact #8
Before mating, the female giraffe will first urinate in the male's mouth.

Giraffe couple in love
Fact #9
Giraffes are ruminants. This means that they have more than one stomach. In fact, giraffes have four stomachs, the extra stomachs assisting with digesting food.
Fact #10
Drinking is one of the most dangerous times for a giraffe. While it is getting a drink it cannot keep a look out for predators and is vulnerable to attack.
Fact #11
Male giraffes sometimes fight with their necks over female giraffes. This is called “necking”. The two giraffes stand side by side and one giraffe swings his head and neck, hitting his head against the other giraffe. Sometimes one giraffe is hit to the ground during a combat.
Fact #12
A giraffe's habitat is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands.

Fact #13
The hair that makes up a giraffes tail is about 10 times thicker than the average strand of human hair.
Fact #14
Giraffes have a great sense of sight and smell and are able to run at speeds up to 35 miles per hour.

Fact #15
However, a baby giraffe in the wild is vulnerable because it has a shorter gait and is unable to keep up with the herd if a predator is detected. In the days and weeks following a birth, a mother giraffe will sometimes leave her baby hidden in tall grass for a few hours while she eats and roams.
See more things in my blog moss, lobster, science,....

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 11, 2016

Why can't moss grow to be as tall as other plants?

Why can't moss grow to be as tall as other plants? Keep following to get the best answer

Kết quả hình ảnh cho moss

Here is a photo demonstration of the height difference between mosses and other plants such as trees. The mosses are in the foreground mixed in amongst the grass. They measure in at about 6 centimeters or so tall. Whereas the trees in the background are over 10 meters (1,000cm) tall. {Dig back for your scientific conversions if you have not used them in a while. There are 100 centimeters in a meter, so the decimal is moved two places to the right to convert from meters to centimeters}. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

So what is the cause of this extreme difference in height?

The answer is Water. Water is one of the required elements for plants to carry out photosynthesis and live. Plants such as trees absorb water through their root systems and then transport the water to their leaves, the site of photosynthesis, through conducting cells. The cells that move water from the roots to the leaves are called xylem cells. These cells are dead at maturity and are very tough. They are the type of plant cell that composes wood. The substance that adds to the strength of these cells and makes them retain water to function as internal plant piping is a compound called lignin. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.

Mosses however do not have lignin in any of their cell walls and they do not have xylem cells either. Thus mosses do not have an efficient system for transporting water within their body long distances. Mosses absorb all of their water from the outside environment directly through their leaves and stem. (Imagine drinking through your skin.) Most plants must be small in order to keep their entire body hydrated and thus are limited in the height to which they can grow while still maintaining wet leaves. Also without the strength that xylem cells provide a very tall moss would be super flimsy. It would be like trying to build a tree out of wet spaghetti noodles. Quite the difficult task. Mosses have thus maintained a small stature for millions of years and despite the time have not gotten any taller. 
How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2016

Amazing Lobster facts for kids

Here are amazing Lobster facts for kids

1. Lobsters aren’t all red. They can be many different colors, including bright blue.

2. Lobsters carry their young for nine months. Anyway, this may be one of the most fascinating animal facts until now

3. They can live to be 100 years old.

4. When they’re teenagers, they’re awkward, too.

5. Lobsters don’t have a central nervous system. Instead, they have bunches of nerve tissue spread throughout their bodies.

6. They go on vacation, traveling more than 100 miles each year.

7. Not all lobsters have claws.

Would you like to see some tiger facts in your freetime? I believe that that facts will be interested to you.

8. Lobsters have to shed their shells in order to grow.

9. Sometimes they walk hand in hand, with older lobsters leading the young ones.

10. Females can carry live sperm for up to two years, until they decide that it’s time to fertilize their eggs.

Those who loves to discover nature will not want to miss our wide range of factoflife articles.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

A list of amazing facts about Aardvark

If you’re looking for the most interesting animal facts, you’re at the right place. Here is a list of amazing facts about Aardvark 

  • The name Aardvark comes from South Africa's Afrikaans language and means 'earth pig' or 'ground pig'. Aardvarks are also known as 'antbears', 'anteaters', 'Cape anteater' and 'earth hogs'.
  • They are nocturnal. After sunset, they leave their cool burrows and forage over many km in grasslands and forests for their favorite food, termites, swinging their long nose from side to side to pick up the termites’ scent.
  • Aardvarks use their powerful feet and claws, which resemble spades, for fast digging of underground burrows and digging up large earthen termite mounds to feast on the insects within. Their tough thick skin protects them from bites whilst their wormlike tongue can be up to 30.5 cm long and is sticky to trap up to 50,000 termites and ants in one night!
  • An unusual but helpful ability allows it to seal its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?
  • An aardvark's keen hearing warns it of predators such as lions, leopards, hunting dogs, hyenas, and pythons. If they need to escape, they can dig fast or run in zigzags. It if all else fails, they will strike with their claws, tail and shoulders, sometimes flipping onto their backs to lash out with all fours. If attacked in the tunnel, they seal the tunnel off behind or turn around and attack with their claws.
  • Main burrows, which are used for breeding, can be deep and extensive, have several entrances and can be as long as 13 meters. Solitary aniamls, aardvarks change their home borrow layout regularly, and from time to time move on and make a new one. The old burrows are then inhabited by smaller animals like the African Wild Dog.
  • The aardvark is admired in African folklore because of its diligent search for food and its lack of fear of soldier ants.
Just keep checking out our site everyday to get more updated news and information about everylife aspects as animal, plant or science facts and so on.

A list of amazing facts about Aardvark

If you’re looking for the most interesting animal facts, you’re at the right place. Here is a list of amazing facts about Aardvark 

  • The name Aardvark comes from South Africa's Afrikaans language and means 'earth pig' or 'ground pig'. Aardvarks are also known as 'antbears', 'anteaters', 'Cape anteater' and 'earth hogs'.
  • They are nocturnal. After sunset, they leave their cool burrows and forage over many km in grasslands and forests for their favorite food, termites, swinging their long nose from side to side to pick up the termites’ scent.
  • Aardvarks use their powerful feet and claws, which resemble spades, for fast digging of underground burrows and digging up large earthen termite mounds to feast on the insects within. Their tough thick skin protects them from bites whilst their wormlike tongue can be up to 30.5 cm long and is sticky to trap up to 50,000 termites and ants in one night!
  • An unusual but helpful ability allows it to seal its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?
  • An aardvark's keen hearing warns it of predators such as lions, leopards, hunting dogs, hyenas, and pythons. If they need to escape, they can dig fast or run in zigzags. It if all else fails, they will strike with their claws, tail and shoulders, sometimes flipping onto their backs to lash out with all fours. If attacked in the tunnel, they seal the tunnel off behind or turn around and attack with their claws.
  • Main burrows, which are used for breeding, can be deep and extensive, have several entrances and can be as long as 13 meters. Solitary aniamls, aardvarks change their home borrow layout regularly, and from time to time move on and make a new one. The old burrows are then inhabited by smaller animals like the African Wild Dog.
  • The aardvark is admired in African folklore because of its diligent search for food and its lack of fear of soldier ants.
Just keep checking out our site everyday to get more updated news and information about everylife aspects as animal, plant or science facts and so on.

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 11, 2016

Leprosy works - Science facts

Disgusting but necessary to know about Leprosy: How does it work? Let's find out the science facts right here

Riddled with sores, maybe missing toes, definitely unclean. Lepers spark some pretty hideous things in our imaginations, don't they? That's imagination and NOT reality. Yet there's a long-standing stigma when it comes to this disease; think about what you're really saying when you call someone a leper. It was even once believed the victims of the diseases were, actually, victims of sin (mentioned — through possible dubious translation — in Leviticus 13:14 in the Old Testament). Although leprosy has a history of being thought of as a highly-contagious (it's not) and deadly, it's actually totally treatable. And there's such a low risk of transmission there's no reason to isolate or ostracize people with leprosy. It may be one of the most disgusting infor from factoflife we’ve enjoyed.

Leprosy has been with us since roughly 1500 B.C.E. (that's when it's first mentioned in the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, but it's also mentioned in other ancient writings, including in prehistoric Asian writings dating to 600 B.C.E.). But it's probably been plaguing humans for much longer, at least since the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt and India. In 2009, anthropologists discovered evidence of leprosy in a 4,000-year-old skeleton, which dates the infection back to prehistoric India, around 2000 B.C.E. [source: Robbins]. Scientists theorize that the infection spread as empires and trade routes grew, and that it likely arrived in the Americas during European exploration of the New World.
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Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 10, 2016

Top 10 amazing Paris facts

Here is top 10 amazing and interesting facts on Paris that will blow your mind:
1. Open terraces

If you were to spend each day of your life in Paris visiting a different open terrace (of a bar, cafe, or restaurant), then it would take you 29.8 years to see all places (and who knows how many new ones will open in that time!). Cause there are 9,057 of them.
2. Birthplace of Paris

Not many of us know the fact that Île de la Cité is the birthplace of Paris. When you’re wandering around the Île de la Cité admiring Notre-Dame Cathedral or crossing Pont Neuf, take a look around and try to imagine what it must have been like in 53 BC when Roman troops first joined the Celtic settlers living on the tiny island.
3. Plaster of Paris

Plaster of Paris, used to make a cast if you break a bone, was invented in Paris. It comes from a powdered rock called gypsum and sculptors such as Auguste Rodin used the powder, which was plentiful in the hills around Paris, mixed with water, to create miniature sculptures before casting their masterpieces in bronze.
4. Only one stop sign

In the whole of Paris, there is only one stop sign, situated at the exit of a building company in the rich 16th arrondissement. The traffic system in Paris is mainly based on giving way to those coming from the right. 
5. The most beautiful city in the world

The city is most preferred for light, love and culture. The city with the long list of beauty is at the heart of the France. The city is known for the latest fashion and gastronomy. When we think about Paris, Eiffel tower is the famous site that will strikes in our mind. Charming streets, romantic restaurants, cafes, the monumental squares, attracting structures helps the city become one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
6. More dogs than children

There are more dogs in Paris than there are children, around 300,000 dogs. Dogs are truly man’s best friends, but in Paris best friend is taken to a whole other level. In Paris, we all know that the Parisians are truly caring towards their pets, spending nearly half a million dollars just to make sure their dogs are groomed and cared for.
7. Baguette’s world

funny pictures on baguettes

If you like baguettes then you're in the right city because there are 1,784 bakeries in Paris. It is considered as baguette’s world for this reason.
8. Longest street

The longest street in Paris is the rue Vaugirard in the 15th arrondissement. It is 4,360 meters long.
9. Shortest street

The shortest street of Paris is the rue des Degrés in the 2nd arrondissement. It is 6 meters long.
10. Paris plants

All the trees in Paris are referenced and measured. And there are about 470,000 of them, they counted.

Maybe interesting science facts attract your attention. Keep following to find out